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In The 100 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Business Success, Brian Tracy draws on thirty years of experience and knowledge to present a set of principles or “universal laws” that lie behind the success of businesspeople everywhere, in every kind of enterprise, large and small. These are natural laws, he says, and they work everywhere and for everyone, virtually without exception. Every year, thousands of companies underperform or even fail and millions of individuals underachieve, frustrated by thwarted ambition and dreams—all because they either attempted to violate or did not know these universal laws. But ignorance of the law is no excuse!
Tracy breaks the 100 laws down into nine major categories: Life, Success, Business, Leadership, Money, Economics, Selling, Negotiating, and Time Management. Drawing on a lifetime of observation, investigation, and experience, Tracy not only identifies and defines each law, he also reveals its source and foundation, whether in science, nature, philosophy, experience, or common sense. He illustrates how it functions in the world using real-life anecdotes and examples, and shows how to apply it to your life and work through specific questions, practical steps, and exercises that everyone can use—sometimes in just minutes—to begin the journey toward greater business success.
“Eloquently—yet practically—written . . . should be required reading for every entrepreneur, manager, and leader!” —Scott McKain, author of The Ultimate Customer Experience